Workers Compensation Attorney in Knoxville

Workers Compensation
In Tennessee, if you suffer an “injury by accident” that “arises out of and occurs in the course” of your employment, you are entitled to certain benefits. These benefits include payment of medical benefits, temporary disability benefits, and permanent disability benefits under certain circumstances. Your employer must NOT retaliate against you for asserting your right to workers compensation benefits.
Your employer may not, for example, refuse your benefits simply because you asserted your workers compensation rights. Your employer may not refuse to bring you back to work because you filed a workers compensation claim, and it may not demote or fire you for asserting your workers compensation rights.
Have you been injured at work?
If you have been injured at work and have been denied workers compensation benefits or believe you have been retaliated against for asserting a workers compensation claim, please contact our firm for guidance. Your employer may not, for example, refuse your benefits simply because you asserted your workers compensation rights. Your employer may not refuse to bring you back to work because you filed a workers compensation claim, and it may not demote or fire you for asserting your workers compensation rights.
Know Your Rights
You may not be punished by your employer for seeking workers compensation for your injuries. You should not have to work while injured. If you are legitimately injured at work, you are entitled to benefits to help you recover from that injury, and you are entitled to receive living wages while you recover.
Practice Areas
Insurance Disputes